Capital Markets

Driving Investment Performance with Technology and Innovation

Gain an Edge through Diverse Capabilities

The alternative assets market is complicated for both asset owners and asset managers. From administration to data management and performance reporting, you face unique challenges. You need an experienced partner who can help you manage data, navigate market trends, and improve processes.

Gemini Street Financial Services offers a complete range of solutions to help you stay aligned with changing markets. We can help you navigate complex alternative investment strategies, assist you in compliance with your new regulations and meet your reporting requirements. Our support gives you the flexibility you need to improve transparency and increase efficiency across an array of alternative asset types:

• Hedge Funds
• Infrastructure
• Private Equity
• Real Estate

Our experience supporting both asset owners and asset managers allows us to understand and provide solutions for your requirements from multiple perspectives.
Market pressures on liquidity mean institutional investors are constantly seeking to maximize efficiencies in their use of cash and manage counterparty exposure appropriately.

For many investors their requirements vary according to the balancing of their priorities around security, liquidity, yield, operating efficiency and cost.

Gemini Street Financial Services has developed solutions ranging from short-term commingled cash funds to the provision of interest-bearing accounts and cash investment facilities – to help clients make optimum use of cash in line with their strategies and guidelines. Our solutions available include:

• Collateral management and optimization solutions
• Interest-bearing accounts
• Time deposits and evergreen deposits
• Use of cash vehicles and money market fund investing
Trading in global markets poses multiple challenges. Amid rapid change, staying compliant with regulation while pursuing better governance and transparency is critical and the search for enhanced performance, access to liquidity and cost containment is continuous.

Tackle these challenges head-on with solutions from Gemini Street Financial Services. Capitalize on advanced technology, transparent trading, quality execution, and smart liquidity solutions across institutional brokerage, transition management, securities finance and foreign exchange. We’re committed to investing in our capital markets expertise and technology so you benefit from the latest solutions designed to help you improve investment performance.
The sheer volume and variety of data continues to increase exponentially – which drives the need to manage your unique data narrative. Our data experts work with you to understand your enterprise data needs and align Gemini Street suite of data tools, platforms and services to solve your business challenges.

You may be looking for investment accounting, valuation or regulatory reporting, performance and risk analytics, data management or data aggregation to address your specific needs. Choose from a comprehensive menu of solutions, supported by powerful technology and delivered by experienced professionals.
Mounting competition has you focused on growing your distribution channels, enhancing your product offerings, improving investment performance and making better use of your data.

Managing cost, investing in technology and managing regulatory compliance requirements are just some of the challenges you face today. Work with an experienced provider who truly understands the changing demands for operational efficiency, data governance, risk management, cost control and business growth.

Gemini Street tailored outsourcing solutions provide the expertise, technology and oversight you need to improve efficiency, control costs and manage operational risk across the investment lifecycle. A comprehensive suite of services – from component outsourcing to full middle and back office – offers the flexibility of a customized service offering backed by local market support and advanced technology to meet your evolving needs.
For fund services that evolve with your changing needs, partner with Gemini Street

In the unpredictable and fast-evolving asset management industry, you require dynamic, customizable solutions to support your investment strategies. From market insights to assistance with regulatory change and cost-control, Gemini Street can assist you with building, growing, managing and adapting to change.

Holistic Solutions to Support Your Strategy

From expanding your distribution to launching a new fund, Gemini Street provides robust fund structuring servicing, data solutions and support for traditional, alternative and tax-transparent fund vehicles and fund platforms, across all types of investment strategies, geographies and domiciles.

• Compliance Services
• Corporate Secretarial
• Depositary Services
• Fund Accounting
• Fund Administration
• Global Custody
• Investor Services / Transfer Agency
• Regulatory Administration

Grow Your Business

Work with experts who understand your unique needs and industry complexities. You will get direct access to dedicated relationship managers and product experts plus seamless coordination between our global offices. Our experienced team can help guide you to enhance your operations, and partner with you as you grow your business.

• Cost, expenses, jurisdictions and compliance oversight
• Fund distribution channels
• Fund registration process, timeline and cost
• Regulatory, financial and tax reporting requirements
Regulatory support is a dedicated function at Gemini Street, not an additional responsibility. Our team focuses exclusively on regulatory matters, providing insight, guidance and services to help clients with their compliance needs.

Our Regulatory Services team covers a range of institutional compliance matters and jurisdictions. We take a holistic approach to managing your specific regulatory obligations, rather than placing experts in silos by sector or jurisdiction.

In addition to data, reporting and filing services, we focus on delivering the information you need to stay on top of regulatory change. Through workshops, seminars, newsletters and commentary, we provide you with insights on both the challenges and opportunities in current and upcoming regulation
Stay ahead of the growing complexity, globalization and rapid change in the investment landscape.

Today’s securities industry is faced by an unprecedented amount of change arising from new regulation, market evolution and the development of emerging technology capabilities. Firms wishing to navigate this environment and capitalize on the latest developments require expertise and investments of time and money. We go beyond traditional securities servicing to provide asset owners and asset managers with the operational efficiency, market expertise and innovative solutions to help make informed decisions and achieve investment goals.

With the rapid transformation of technology and a move towards the digitization of the industry, you need a custodian that can help you gain a strategic advantage in the marketplace and capitalize on the evolution of the custody business.

From global custody to derivatives processing to tax services and more, our experts will work with you to find the right combination of services to meet your current and future needs.